Essay on Mahatma Gandhi for Kids and Students

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi for Kids and Students

Introduction – Mohan Das Karam Chandra Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar in Gujarat. Because of his important role in participating in the freedom struggle and making the country independent, he is called the Father of the Nation.

Mahatma Gandhi believed that Indian education is not under the government but under the society. That’s why Mahatma Gandhi used to call Indian education ‘The Beautiful Tree’. He had a unique contribution to the field of education. It was his wish that every citizen of India should be educated. The basic mantra of Mahatma Gandhi was to ‘establish a society without tyranny’. It has been told in the essay on Mahatma Gandhi that he had struggled a lot for society.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi for Kids and Students
Essay on Mahatma Gandhi for Kids and Students

In childhood, Gandhiji was not interested in studies. But since childhood, he knew the difference between right and wrong. His primary education took place in Porbandar. Gandhiji gave his high school examination in Rajkot. And he went to Ahmedabad for matriculation. Later he completed his law practice in London. Returning to India from London, Gandhiji started working as a lawyer in Mumbai. At the age of 13, Gandhiji was married to Kasturba Gandhi. Gandhi ji struggled a lot to help the Indian people.

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In 1920, he started the Savgya movement. In 1930, Gandhiji founded the Non-Cooperation Movement. And in 1942, he started the “British Quit India” movement. On January 30, 1948, Gandhiji was shot by Nathuram Godse.

People still sing the famous hymn of Gandhiji.

Raghupati Raghav Rajaram Patit Pawan Sita Ram ||

God may Allah bless everyone with your name ||

Epilogue – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a prominent political and spiritual leader of India and the Indian independence movement. He gained international fame for his principle of nonviolent protest to achieve political and social progress.

Even before Mahatma Gandhi, people knew about peace and non-violence. Still, the way he forced the British to leave India by following the path of Satyagraha, peace, and non-violence, no other example seen in world history, only then So .the United Nations also declared Gandhi Jayanti to be celebrated as World Non-Violence Day in the year 2007.

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